SakenowaRecord your sake experiences and discover your favorites
Yamatsuru純米吟醸 段違い辛口
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Drinking with members of "Kansai Sake-no-wa" in "Unagidani" on a business trip to Osaka (5) [We opened the "Summer Sake Set" and Uma Uma Uma and Aladdin finished their drinks, so we decided to order the sake we liked. I forgot to take a picture of the cellar, but there were rare bottles of "Kuroryu" and "Shinmasa", and although the prices are expensive, it's great that even first-timers can drink ✨. The top 3 bottles of "Kuroryu" were "Ishitaya", "Nizaemon", and "Shizuku", which are hard to find even in the local area. My first Yamatsuru 🎉! Yamatsuru Junmai Ginjo I was attracted by the label that said "dry with a difference in taste" after a series of sweet and refreshing sakes, so I chose this one 🧐. Aroma of mellow rice, fresh, soft and smooth taste, and a gentle aftertaste. [Although it claims to be dry, it is easy to drink with a soft mouthfeel and lingering aftertaste 😁.