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Fumotoi生もと純米 ひやおろし 生詰原酒
Fumotoi Check-in 1
Fumotoi Check-in 2Fumotoi Check-in 3
Fumotoi Ikomoto Junmai Hiyaoroshi Namaizume Ingredients: Rice (domestic), rice kouji (domestic) Rice polishing rate: 55%. Alcohol content: 16%. Sake degree: +4 to +5 Acidity: 1.6 to 1.7 〜Product Description This is a limited edition Junmai Hiyaoroshi Genshu made with 100% of the top brand rice "Haenuki" specially cultivated in Fumotoi Shuzo's hometown, Sakata City, Yamagata Prefecture, and brewed unpasteurized. The gentle aroma with a powerful taste typical of Junmai pure rice sake, the smoothness of the mouth, and the deep and profound flavor with a refreshing crispness, make this a classic Junmai sake. This is a limited quantity brewed, so please give it a try.