SakenowaRecord your sake experiences and discover your favorites
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Sake comparison drink at a certain hotel. The bottle and the label on the back of the picture were taken from Tsuchida Shuzo's page. The moment I drank it, I knew it was delicious. Thickness, fullness, and plumpness. I wanted to drink an additional glass since I only had one cup of sake, but I will have to wait for another time since I switched to wine for my next mealtime drink. ★★★☆☆ I later learned that they do not use any fermentation aids such as lactic acid or enzyme agents, which are not required to be labeled on the label. And it was a very sweet sake! I only buy sweet sake on rare occasions, but sometimes it's nice! Ingredients : Rice (from Gunma Prefecture), rice malt (from Gunma Prefecture) Rice used : Gunma-grown rice Polishing ratio : 90 Koji ratio : 35 Yeast used : No yeast added Alcohol Content : 16 Glucose : 2.5 - 3.4 Sake meter : -11 to -15 Acidity: 3.6-4.2 Amino acidity: 3.7-4.3 Water used for brewing : Takezun mountain range subsoil water (selected as one of the 100 best waters in Kanto) Heating : Twice Storage method : Room temperature Content : 60ml Manufacture date : Unknown