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Kiseitsuru吟醸酒 10 years old吟醸古酒
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鉄板とおばんざい はなきん
<A beautiful, clear, topaz-like 10 year old wine. First of all, the color is wonderfully beautiful yellow. It is a beautiful, clear yellow like a topaz. The aroma is also wonderful. There is a deep sweetness with a grainy and burnt feeling that is typical of an aged sake. But it doesn't have the dustiness that old sake tends to have. The aroma is also very clear. When you put it in your mouth, it has a sweet taste of honey caramel. There is also a good amount of umami in the background. And the slight pleasant bitterness makes you feel the age of 10 years. There is no miscellaneous taste and it is very beautiful. And the aftertaste is soft and clean. The word "mellow" is just right. What? This has a sake meter of +2.5! I had the impression that it was sweeter. The alcohol is a strong 17 degrees, but it's mild and not overpowering. This is a terrific sake. If I were to compare it to Ghibli, I'd say it's the Ohisama from Princess Mononoke. He is the elder of Ashitaka's village that appears at the beginning of the movie. He is certainly old, but he is not muddy. Satisfaction: ★★★★★ Due to a character limit, I had to cut out the entire crying episode related to this drink. For the full story, please visit our Instagram or our blog "Korune Sake" which will be uploaded in about two weeks.