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KamoshibitokuheijiEAU DU DESIR純米大吟醸原酒無濾過
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100% Yamada Nishiki Rice polishing ratio 50%. Fire-retarded once? I finally drank it, Kuheiji. As written, I tried various temperatures and storage periods, but I think I liked it best at room temperature the day after opening the package. The first day was a little sour and young. I understand the expression "fruit skin". But if you want to drink it with food like a white wine, the first day might be better. The finish is good. Also, there is a sense of gas for some reason! Why! I drank it quickly in two days this time, but next time I'd like to warm it up or leave it longer! (Suzuki Mikawaya's website has great explanations and marriage introductions for each series of Kiheiji, so check it out lol)