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蔵出し直送 生原酒純米大吟醸原酒生酒
alt 1
Clear and colorless (quite transparent) Fruity aroma like muscat Very smooth mouthfeel that feels false Lightly sweet So easy to drink that it is hard to believe even if it is said to be a pure sake. It is so easy to drink that it is hard to believe that it is a pure sake. It is very delicate and should be enjoyed by itself for an elegant time rather than paired with food. It is best paired with light, flavorless dishes such as sashimi. Because the brewing water is made from melting snow water, which is selected as one of the best 100 waters in Japan, the sake is easy to drink and goes down your throat smoothly, even if it is undiluted. It is surprising that such a highly recommended sake can be purchased at the newly renovated commercial facility in Niigata Station. If you stop by Niigata Station, please give it a try. Alc. 16%. Undisclosed rice Polishing ratio 50%. Unblended Sake Sake meter degree -8