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Tenko特別純米原酒 酸基醴酛 番外酒特別純米原酒
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Sake toast for birthday #3 Sake No. 8 purchased in Shizuoka where my grandmother lives. I bought this sake during the year-end and New Year holidays because it is not often seen outside of Shizuoka Prefecture and I thought the name was cool to begin with. She recommended it to me. Since it had been on the shelf for so long, I thought I would drink it for my birthday. Cold sake. It is a limited edition sake. It is said that it is a kind of sake made from "Sour base, sweet sake yeast" and it is my first time to drink it. It has a sour aroma. It has a very complex flavor with a mellow sweetness and a strong acidity. It has a long aftertaste. I felt the sharpness. It has a light finish that is unique to Shizuoka sake. Rare in my opinion, so if you see it while sightseeing or on a business trip in Shizuoka, go for it!