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Bentenつや姫 特別純米 無ろ過生原酒特別純米原酒生酒無濾過
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Tonight's accompaniment is this one with a label that looks like a package of rice. When you open the bottle, a gorgeous aroma rises up. It looks delicious by itself. The sweet fruit aroma is irresistible. You can taste a little bit of alcohol, but the overall flavor is cohesive. I may be mistaken, but is it the aroma of baked sweet potatoes? When paired with dashi yudofu (boiled tofu in soup stock) with rape blossoms, the bitterness of the rape blossoms mutes the alcohol and the sweetness is more pronounced and delicious. It also goes well with grilled swordfish with lemon butter. The oil from the butter drains away and the acidity of the lemon accentuates the deliciousness of the sake, making for a nice marriage... The small bones of the swordfish are a bit of a challenge (sweat).