SakenowaRecord your sake experiences and discover your favorites
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Akita sake today! I bought a bottle of Akita Juginjo, which is done by the Akita Sake Brewers Association. The requirements are to use Akita rice, and the water and yeast are also from Akita! So Junmai Ginjo 😄 comes randomly with sake from Akita breweries. Last year we got Shinmasa, so I was hoping for the same this time! But this time there was nothing I was looking for (tears). But I am looking forward to seeing some new sakes! This time it was sake from Kinmon Akita. This sake is made by Kinmon Akita, which specializes in the flavor of rice. The aroma is mild, like blue cheese or green bamboo. When you drink it, the sweetness is moderately bitter with a strong umami flavor. The aftertaste is also refreshing. The aroma made me think it would be heavier, but it is very easy to drink and tastes great without any alcohol. It is not a modern sake, but it is a calm sake. All Akita's sakes are delicious 😄I realized how high the level of Akita's sakes is.
Good morning, Sashu 😃. Akita Tour Ginjo! How many bottles are coming? Even if you don't have a favorite 🥲, you might hit the jackpot 🎯 for the first time 🤗Akita sake is really good 😋.
Hi Jay & Nobby (^o^) I ordered a set of 3 bottles this time 😄 I can choose the number of other bottles as well. Akita sake is very good and of a high level even if I don't know it myself!