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Kana Maki
Appearance Sound, transparent, low, slightly cloudy and white, medium viscosity Nose: Sound, slightly high on the nose with notes of rum, white sugar and syrup, lemon and lemon peel Sweetness of sugar and fresh fruitiness of acidity, medium complexity Mouth: Sound texture is a little loose but crisp, with a slight fizziness and sweetness in the mouth. The scent is a little high, with a sweetness like ramune and syrup, and a refreshing bitterness like lemon peel. The aftertaste is medium sweet, but it is slightly fizzy, and the sourness and bitterness is the only thing that lingers. I think it has a pretty good aroma. It has a good sweetness, but it's not too sweet with sourness & bitterness & slight fizz. It's not too sweet. It will be fun to play with various temperatures and days since opening.