SakenowaRecord your sake experiences and discover your favorites
Sadaijin舞 舞風純米吟醸
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After the 8th Japanese Sake Festival (7) The sake Nemuchi ordered. First time I saw it. I thought it was quintessential for him to choose this one. It was quite sweet and tasty. I think Nemuchi would have bought this one to take home 😊. I rarely go there to buy sake because they don't have a large selection of 4G sake, but they have a lot of rare sake so it's a good place to buy and go out to drink! I'm also interested in the recently arrived collaboration between Katsuragawa and Machida Shuzo. Three people ordered one sake each and a side dish for about 1800 yen, right? Sake is quite reasonable 💰, from 500-600 yen for one sake and 280 yen for half a sake.