SakenowaRecord your sake experiences and discover your favorites
元帥にごり酒 生貯蔵酒原酒 限定品
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☆☆☆ I had some errands to run after the night shift, so I went out to the central part of the prefecture. I wanted to drink nigori after a long time So I stopped by a sake shop. I was interested in the mountains, but I was still intrigued by I was intrigued by the mountainous area, but I was also intrigued by the maniacal local sake 😊✌️ Tempura from the usual fish cake shop for snacks! I bought jako and cheese 🐟🧀! #Genshu Sake Brewery #Limited edition #Nagori Sake #Nagori Sake #Newly Stored Unblended Sake #Cold sake #20% alcohol #Tottori