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Junmai Ginjo-shu Tsukimi-Usagi ⭐️⭐️⭐️ 100% Dewa Sanzu, 60% polished rice ALC 15 degrees, Sake degree +3.0, Acidity 1.5 This sake was purchased at the "Hinoki-no-Sato" sake store in the Yamagata Station building where we arrived. Since this year is the Year of the Rabbit, I bought it because of the cute rabbit back figure on the label, the fact that it is a junmai ginjo-shu, and because I was looking forward to comparing it with the special junmai sake [Jusui]. I think it is light and slightly dry. However, I didn't really notice the "fruity aroma" that was written on the label. This is just my personal impression. My fellow travelers' evaluation was almost the same. Maybe Jusui was too good... I had some left over at the after-party, so I had it at Izakaya Shinkansen on my way home. Yamagata Station Hinoki-no-Sato: 20230120