SakenowaRecord your sake experiences and discover your favorites
sky5150 I actually went to my favorite liquor store to stock up on a few bottles of my favorite Yukidaruma, but they said it would probably be in stock next week... Next, my next favorite classic Omachi was the only one I could find, so I chose the Classic Pure Pure Sake Sake! It's still good... and the more you drink it, the better it tastes. Compared to Modern, the acidity is milder, but it has a good taste... It's wonderful... I never liked sour sake or wine, but drinking Senbou's Modern changed my mind. Today, we also bought a repeat purchase of the Kaze no Mori Alpha Type 1 and two other seasonal fruit sakes, Houou Bita Ichigo and two other bottles we've never had before, for a total of five bottles. We have no plans to go out for three consecutive holidays because both my wife and son are sick. It's a little early, but will I change the tires of my Copen and the wife's Ascera? I'm just wondering. So, folks! Have a great weekend...