SakenowaRecord your sake experiences and discover your favorites
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Sakuragao. When I was still in the Kansai region, I drank it in a standing bar in Kobe, and I was like, "How can sake be this good? And a drink that impressed me. But I can't remember what it tastes like...I haven't had it in a while. I see! This is perfect for a sake novice! The aroma is slight, and the first sip is very sharp, but the sweetness is mild and delicious! It's like a good mix of sweet and dry. It goes down smoothly. This time it was a little cold, but I think it would look a lot different if it were warmed up! From the posts here, it sounds like lukewarm is the way to go...I'd like to try it in earnest in the winter. By the way...I always chill my liquor in the vegetable room in the fridge, but I like it because it doesn't seem to get too cold somehow.