SakenowaRecord your sake experiences and discover your favorites
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Today it will be Kashiwamori. I received it as a return gift for my brother-in-law's wedding present. It is a sake from Tochigi prefecture. I knew the name, but this is my first time to drink it. When I first took a sip, it was very thick and came with a bang. It gives a classic impression. I don't know the rice polishing ratio, but I guess it is about the same as special honjozo. The alcohol content is 19%, but it is very well-balanced and easy to drink. It tastes better than I expected, and to be honest, I don't think I would buy this type of sake myself, so thanks to my brother-in-law. I'm glad that my brother-in-law, who doesn't drink sake at all, went to the trouble of selecting it for me, and that alone makes the sake taste better 😃.