SakenowaRecord your sake experiences and discover your favorites
AramasaNo.6 S-type純米原酒生酒
Aramasa Check-in 1Aramasa Check-in 2
[10/17-18 on vacation] We drank some sake at an izakaya in Aizuwakamatsu. We drank various kinds of sake, so I'll introduce them all at once. The level of sake in Aizu region is very high. We drank almost six cups of sake in total. From noon to midday, we drank almost one cup of sake. 💦 (1) Tenmei Sarasara Junmai ...We had some left over. It has a clean, mint-like flavor. (2) Shinsei No.6 S-type ...Fresh and mild. It's unquestionably delicious. (3) Sharaku Junmai-Ginjo Nagoshi sake ...Shalaku's hiyaoroshi. The taste is typical of Sharaku, but it is slightly rounded. 4) Nara-man Junmai-Ginjo ...It has a rich flavor and goes perfectly with heavily flavored foods. (5) Tenmei Turtle's tail, squeezing out of a tank ...I have to admit that I didn't like the twang of the turtle's tail, but this is pretty easy to drink. (6) Aizu Lieutenant General Nagahoya ...Very clean flavor. It was last, but it was clean and easy to drink.