SakenowaRecord your sake experiences and discover your favorites
Hanayo純米吟醸 出羽燦々
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The only sake brewery in the Mogami region and the oldest in Yamagata Prefecture. Sake that is rarely served outside of the prefecture. Cold sake is recommended. It has a fresh fruity aroma with a fairly modern apple flavor. When you drink it, there is a slight citrus sweetness at first, followed by a rather strong bitterness, which turns into spiciness and finishes with a sharp taste. The fruity aroma is sharp, but not sweet, which is one of the typical characteristics of Yamagata. It is light and has a strong bitterness on its own, but when paired with food, it is just right and will accept a variety of snacks. Cheese and edamame are good. In terms of other specifications, Silk is a bit expensive, which takes away from the normal purchase price, but the rice Koshihikari Tsuyahime may have more flavor.