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Benten純米大吟釀原酒 精米步合48純米大吟醸原酒
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Sake mania
A.Moten Dewa Tsanta; Junmai Daiginjyo Genso Seibo 48 In the mouth it is smooth, fresh and fruity with a long, light finish. B.Hoten Aiyama Junmai Daiginjyo Sake Seibu 48 The smoothest of the three, it has a silky mouthfeel and coats the tongue with the same fruity aroma, but with a bit more spice. Medium-bodied. C. Yoten Tortoise No Mei Junmai Daiginjo Sake Seibutsu 48 It has a medium smoothness in the mouth, with a full-bodied flavour and the strongest body.