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Ine to Agave×土田酒造 SAKEシリーズ 02純米生酛原酒
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Sake grown at "normal temperature No additive yeast Alcohol content 16 Sake degree Acidity Amino acidity Rice / Polishing ratio: 100% Akita-grown Sasanishiki rice (90% polished rice) Wild yeast actually has stronger alcohol tolerance than sake yeast, and since the alcohol content is less than 16%, the yeast hardly dies. Therefore, it does not produce any kind of so-called pickle smell even after aging, so it will probably become a treasured old sake when aged for perhaps 10 or 20 years. Not to mention brewing alcohol, sugar, and acidifiers. The brewer does not use any fermentation aids such as lactic acid or enzymes, which are not required to be labeled on the label. The completely additive-free process is similar to that used in sake brewing during the Edo period (1603-1868). The "timeless sake" is the result of modern brewing equipment and traditional brewing techniques. The taste produced by the yeast and lactic acid bacteria that live in the brewery. A complex and generous animal flavor like bouillon. It is like drinking soup. Wild yeast ✖︎Naturally grown rice ✖︎New brewing method