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近江ねこ正宗SHIRONEKO 純米吟醸純米吟醸
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Omi Neko Masamune SHIRONEKO Junmai Ginjo-shu Omi Neko Masamune" by Omi Shuzo, which went out of business. Now Maihime Shuzo has taken over as "Shinshu Neko Masamune". I drank the Omi Neko Masamune. The label is cute with a cat. As a sake, it is rather flat and has no outstanding characteristics. It has a mild sake quality and is surprisingly refreshing. There is a slight alcohol taste, but there is nothing bad to note about the sake. For better or worse, it is the type of sake that one does not get tired of drinking. It was made more than a year ago, so the quality of the sake may have changed somewhat. To be honest, I was very hesitant to open the bottle because Neko Masamune made by Omi Shuzo is no longer available, but I thought it would be a bad idea to keep it any longer, so I opened it.