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Drinking Gifu's Local Sake 2024 in Osaka, then ①. After the Gifu sake event, my plan was to go to a sake shop in Hokusetsu to pick up some hard-to-find sake, but I was too drunk to bother, so I gave up going. I don't remember how it happened, but somehow I went to Namba with Nemuchi-san. Two weeks ago, after the Japanese sake festival, Umaisan and I went to a corner liquor store 🤣. We came here in the morning to buy sake too 🤣. This is the sake that Nemuchi-san ordered. I've never seen it sold anywhere except at Haretoke 🤔. It looks like the brewery was going out of business due to the Corona disaster, but a new company was established, the business was transferred, and the brewery was continued. Polishing ratio 55%, Dewanosato, Sake degree 0 I searched and found that the rice is Dewanosato and it is flat polished. It has a beautiful flavor, but is it a little sour?