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金明 Check-in 1
Shizuoka Sake Tour. Gotemba's Kinmei Ryotama Junmai Ginjo, alc.16%. When served in the refrigerator, it has a subtle cider-like aroma. The aroma does not change much in the mouth, and after the alcohol and weak acidity, the umami of rice comes easily. The aftertaste is stimulated by alcohol, but it is not an unpleasant attack, but rather a strange numbing sensation and heat. There is no significant change even when the temperature is set to room temperature. Should we wait a few days? Two days later, the alcoholic stimulation has disappeared, and the umami of the rice has become noticeably mellower. The aroma is still cider-like, so the overall impression is that it is a cross between sake and mead. This is good.