SakenowaRecord your sake experiences and discover your favorites
山形県生まれ、東京都在住。 自宅飲みが好き、趣味が高じて日本酒検定準一級を取得。 甘め、醇酒と薫酒の中間のようなお酒が好みですが、知らないお酒を開ける楽しさに気付き、色々な銘柄を試しています🍶 大した表現もできないのですが、好き・美味しいを共有できたら嬉しいです😊

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Sake Map

The origins of the sake you've drunk are colored on the map.
OokuraLimene Mature生酒水酛
Ookura Check-in 1Ookura Check-in 2
I was interested in buying it when I saw a post on a social networking site that said it was like a lemon! I was interested in buying it when I saw a post on a social networking site that said it was like a lemon! If you have ever had Okura's mizuhashi, you would say, "Oh, it's Okura. It is sweet and mild. No riceiness. There is also a slight ripeness aroma, like that of so-called Shaoxing wine. It is a Limene, so is it crisp? You might be surprised at how mellow it is lol. However, it is certainly one of the more acidic Okura, so it is not as heavy as you might think. Interesting sake in the sense that it is an unusual sake😄.
Igarashi本醸造 無濾過生原酒 直汲み本醸造原酒生酒無濾過
Igarashi Check-in 1Igarashi Check-in 2
A friend recommended it to me as a local sake, so I bought it for the first time 🍶 The liquor store asked me if it was okay that it was a strong sake. I opened the bottle with a little apprehension. Unlike the image, it has a sweet aroma with a lactic acid aroma like yogurt. It is true that it has a strong alcohol taste, but it is not too heavy and the aroma is not too harsh. I had heard that it was a small sake brewery, so I thought it would be made in the traditional way, but it was a modern and particular sake, delicious enough 😄. The aroma was strangely similar to that of the nearby Sairai, which was interesting to me, as I felt it must be a regional characteristic.
Toyobijin別撰 山田錦純米
Toyobijin Check-in 1Toyobijin Check-in 2
This is a Junmai, hi-iru sake from Toyo Bijin. It is said that this sake won the highest award in the Junmai-shu category of the Yamaguchi Prefecture New Sake Competition. It has a fruity aroma like muscat. The taste is refreshing with a hint of sweetness. Although the alcohol content is 16%, it does not have a strong alcoholic taste. There is no cloying taste. Toyo Bijin has a relatively wallet-friendly price tag, and this Bessen is a junmai sake for just a little over 1,300 yen, which is also great ✨. If I were to drink it on a daily basis, I would probably only need one bottle of this sake! If I were to drink it on a daily basis, I might just have to settle for this one!
Shichiken Check-in 1
Shichiken Check-in 2Shichiken Check-in 3
Shichiken's summer sake 🌻 is the first summer sake of the year. As the concept suggests, it is refreshing and clean. On the other hand, the gorgeous aroma lingered for a short time, and the alcohol feeling was a bit pronounced. It was like a summer sake, but I personally felt that I prefer it not to be so refreshing for a Nanaken 😃.
Matsumine no Fuji純米77 にごりざけ生純米生酒にごり酒
Matsumine no Fuji Check-in 1Matsumine no Fuji Check-in 2
The first Matsumine no Fuji. Low milling of 77% Dewanosato rice from Yamagata Prefecture. The top aroma is sweet and fruity. The aroma is reminiscent of pears and peaches, and is so gorgeous that it is hard to believe it is junmai. The taste is not as sweet as the aroma suggests, and the mouthfeel is clean with a touch of umami. There is a faint bitterness in the aftertaste, but it is not difficult to drink. There is also some fresh gassiness from the secondary fermentation.
浅間嶽 Check-in 1浅間嶽 Check-in 2
This Asamatake was brewed in 2019 and left to sleep in the brewery until now. It is Junmai-shu specs, but considering it is a so-called aged sake, it is also a great cosy sake for just over 1,600 yen. ☺️ The body is slightly yellowish. The alcohol content of 19% makes it powerful, and the mellow, aged aroma and taste are reminiscent of brandy. When it was fresh from the refrigerator, it had a slightly sharp taste, but it was better to drink it at room temperature to enrich the aroma and mellow it out 🍶.
帝松 Check-in 1帝松 Check-in 2
When I visited a friend's house, I decided to have a bottle of Teisho, which is produced near his wife's family. I had never tasted the Teisho brand or the sake rice, Sake Musashi, before, so I was very excited and could not imagine what it would taste like. This is delicious! I was shocked from the first sip. The top aroma is subdued, but a fruity, muscat-like aroma spreads on the palate. It is gassy and refreshing, not strongly umami, and has a refreshing sweetness. Although it is 16% alcohol, it does not feel alcoholic and can be drunk easily. I didn't realize there was such a delicious sake brand that is mainly distributed locally... I would like to keep a bottle of it on hand 😊.
Fusano Kankiku閏日(じゅんじつ)-Special One-純米大吟醸原酒生酒無濾過にごり酒
Fusano Kankiku Check-in 1Fusano Kankiku Check-in 2
Fusano Kankiku Check-in 3Fusano Kankiku Check-in 4
When I heard that there was a special Kangiku sake that is only released once every four years, I had to buy it 🍶! Not only is it rare, but it's also special in that it's an unfiltered raw sake with a milled rice ratio of 29% ✨. Gohyakumangoku is a personal favorite of mine, so I was happy to see how well it matched 😊. I took it all the way out on my annual trip and opened the bottle at the hotel where I was staying 🍾. The aroma is gorgeous, sweet and fruity, like white peaches. The mouthfeel is soft and gentle, sweet but refreshing. No bitterness, which is also a characteristic of this polish. The overall impression was fragrant, fruity, yet clear and transparent. Of course it was delicious, but it was too refreshing, and there was a sense that the alcohol taste was a little noticeable. As a drinker who is usually concerned about the cost, I may prefer Denshogikiku (even if I am in the mood for it) if we are drinking the same nigori sake. But it was a special memory for me, including the fact that I drank it during my trip ✨.
Sara純米吟醸 生詰純米吟醸生詰酒
Sara Check-in 1Sara Check-in 2
It has been a little while since I bought a standard sake from Sairai. A distinct yogurt smell. It is thick and smooth on the palate, with sweetness being the main taste. Yet, it has a nice acidity and sharpness in the mouth. A few days after opening the bottle, a slight bitterness and miscellaneous tastes became noticeable. It may be best when freshly opened. It was as hassle-free and delicious as expected! Sake prices have been going up steadily, so it's nice to be able to purchase this spec for around 1,500 yen. ☺️
KeigetsuCEL24 純米大吟醸 50 春酒純米大吟醸
Keigetsu Check-in 1Keigetsu Check-in 2
This is my first time drinking Kaygetsu, but CEL24 is my favorite sake, including Kameizumi, so I opened the bottle with high expectations 🍶. The aroma is like ginjo aroma and cooked rice, and as one would expect from a junmai daiginjo, it is gorgeous. The body is slightly yellowish, Since it is CEL24, I thought it would have a refreshingly sweet taste, but surprisingly, it also has a strong umami flavor. The taste is well-balanced without being too rich. It is great to be able to enjoy this level of Junmai Daiginjo for less than 2,000 yen 😆 I would like to try more brands without having too many preconceptions because it is CEL24.
Kikuhime Check-in 1Kikuhime Check-in 2
Kikuhime is the pioneer of Yamahai. I had never tasted it before, perhaps because it is available at any supermarket, but my brother recommended it to me and I bought it 🍶. Yamabuki-colored body. The aroma is sweet and sour and mellow, like a mixture of brown sugar and yogurt, which is typical of Yamahai. The taste is rich, yet refreshing, with the sweetness of the rice and a strong acidity. It is similar to that of white wine. With a taste like this in an easily available sake, it certainly makes you want to repeat the experience. ☺️This is indeed the sake that is said to have sparked the boom ✨.
御前酒 Check-in 1御前酒 Check-in 2
The aroma is sweet and gorgeous. The mouthfeel is sweet, but the taste is full, as is typical of Omachi, and the overall flavor is mellow and mild. It is the kind of sake I had envisioned for Gozenshu, and it did not disappoint. ☺️ Even though the rice is out of the top grade, it is made from 50% polished Omachi rice from Okayama Prefecture, but it can be purchased for less than 2,000 yen, which is a great cosmetic feature.
Ubusuna2023 山田錦 二農醸
Ubusuna Check-in 1
Ubusuna Check-in 2Ubusuna Check-in 3
We were able to purchase this year's production and opened the bottle immediately 🍾. When the bottle is opened, it has an aroma of green apple and muscat fruits, and on the palate, in addition to the fruit aroma, there are also notes of rice and yogurt. It is less sweet and drier than last year's, and therefore a little alcoholic. After two days after opening the bottle, I drank it again and found it to be mellower than when the bottle was opened, and the sweetness and fruitiness were more apparent. It's definitely a delicious sake in my opinion, so it's nice to see it change every year: ☺️
Koimari Check-in 1Koimari Check-in 2
Drinking dinner at a hotel in Hakata on a business trip. It was the first time for me to buy Ko-Imari. I was looking at it and thought it was very reasonable, but I didn't intend to be extravagant, so I thought it was just right and bought it. After I bought it, I realized that it was a four-pack bottle, but it was 900ml! I thought it was a four-pack bottle, but it was 900ml! I can taste the sweetness. It is sweet like brown sugar, but not sticky. Because it contains brewer's alcohol, there is some bitterness in the aftertaste, but not so much that it is unpleasant. Since there was 900ml of it, I couldn't drink it in one night, so I drank it again the next night.
Hi Toranosuke-san 🍶. Thanks for your business trip to Hakata 🍶. I see the date is February 20. I see that 🎣Grandpa ⛰️ and Grandma were also in Hakata 🍶. Maybe we had a near miss?
I just saw Kyuzo's post and noticed that you had an offline meeting! I'm jealous because I bought it at the Hakata station liquor store and was the lone hotel sake 😂.
Gasanryu裏・雅山流 祥華本醸造生酒無濾過
Gasanryu Check-in 1Gasanryu Check-in 2
A friend recommended Gazanryu to me after a long time 🍶 He said it was especially good back here. Unfinished unfiltered pure sake of Honjozo is rare even among my regular drinking. It has the image of a dry brand, and it is indeed dry with no sweetness. On the other hand, the aroma is fruity and rich, sweet and juicy like muscat 🍇, perhaps because it is a nama-shu.
Kawanakajima Genbu吟醸 生酒吟醸生酒
Kawanakajima Genbu Check-in 1Kawanakajima Genbu Check-in 2
Kawanakajima Genmai Namaishu. I bought it and brought it to my parents' house for dinner with my father 🍶. The first time I tasted it, it was more powerful and a little more alcoholic than the same ginjo-style hi-ire sake. It is more powerful and a little alcoholic than the same ginjo-hikka, but it was well received by my father as it added just the right amount of sake character to the already gentle taste of Genmai. The aroma was subdued, and like Genmai, it had a sweetness and not a strong umami. After two days of drinking, the sharpness mellowed and it became easier to drink. It was one of the good memories with my family. ☺️
Kameizumi純米吟醸 CEL-24 うすにごり純米吟醸にごり酒
Kameizumi Check-in 1Kameizumi Check-in 2
I was so impressed with the CEL-24 light nigori I received last year that I bought it again this year 🍶I'm glad I didn't miss out since it's only available seasonally ✨. It has a clear aroma of rice and a clean, sweet taste typical of CEL-24, but even in the supernatant portion, the aroma of rice is strong, so it has a delicious sake-like flavor. The nigori portion in the latter half of the bottle has a more umami flavor, but it is not dull, and I was able to drink it all the way through without getting tired of drinking it. The aroma of rice was more distinct than last year's, and it was not simply a refreshing sweet sake, but I enjoyed it for what it was 😊.
Dassai発泡にごり酒 スパークリング45純米大吟醸にごり酒発泡
Dassai Check-in 1Dassai Check-in 2
Sake brought over at a friend's house. It's been quite a while since I've had Otter itself, and this was my first sparkling 🍾. It is a nigori sake, but there is not much moromi, and it is so clear that you can clearly see the other side of the glass in which it is poured. It is clear enough that you can clearly see the other side of the glass when you pour it. It has some bubbles when you pour it, but it doesn't feel very tangy in the mouth. However, there is a refreshing sensation in the aftertaste. There is a hint of sweetness, but it is not that sweet, and the umami is not strong. There is a slight bitterness. In a good sense, it was a safe sake like Otters 😃.
Nabeshima純米吟醸 赤磐雄町米純米吟醸
Nabeshima Check-in 1Nabeshima Check-in 2
Nabeshima Akaban Oumachi was brought to a banquet at a friend's house. I like Nabeshima, but I have an image of it being quite powerful, so I had never touched Nabeshima with Omachi, which is one of the most powerful sake rice. But if someone bought it for me, that's a different story 😂. When I drank it, it was indeed Nabeshima-like, yet with the volume of Oumachi. However, the aroma was refreshing, and the clear mouthfeel without any alcoholiness made it easy to drink without getting tired of drinking. It was a well-balanced and delicious sake. ☺️
Miinokotobuki冬純米活性にごり NeVe(ネーベ)純米無濾過にごり酒
Miinokotobuki Check-in 1Miinokotobuki Check-in 2
I bought this sake after it was recommended to me at my favorite liquor store. I'm excited about the wintery label on this nigori sake⛄️ and the price, which is under 1,500 yen including tax ✨. I haven't had such a hard time opening a bottle of sake since the Flax Cat Spark... I personally like this event element. I finally opened the bottle after repeatedly opening and closing it a little. It is a nigori sake, but the umami is not too strong and it is surprisingly easy to drink. It has the texture and aroma of nigori rice, which is good. The sweetness is restrained, but there is no sense of alcohol, so you will not get tired of drinking it.