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Gakki Masamuneforte piano type-c特別本醸造原酒中取り無濾過
Gakki Masamune Check-in 1Gakki Masamune Check-in 2
This is a sake specially made for liquor stores within the Masamune Instrument family. It is said to be unfiltered and unpasteurized to take full advantage of its flavor. Since Musical Instrument Masamune itself produces a high level of sake with aluzoe, we have high expectations for this one as well. The taste is fruity, which is not often seen in other sake, and at 13% low alcohol, it is easy to drink too much of it. It has a mild sweetness like mango, peach, or banana, with a rather light aftertaste. This is one of my personal favorites. I recommend it to those who like modern, fruity flavors. It reminded me once again of the high level of the instrument Masamune. This is amazing.
Abekan純米吟醸 金魚ラベル純米吟醸
Abekan Check-in 1
Abekan Check-in 2Abekan Check-in 3
Although I was going to get the sweet sake, I was attracted by the label and bought this one. I have the impression that Abekan is not sweet but dry with a clear flavor, but I am very curious to see what the goldfish label, which is said to be popular every year, looks like. The aroma is restrained and the taste is like a clear melon flavor. It has a fruity, yet dry impression with a low acidity. It is very stable. It would be good to pair it with refreshing dishes. Somen noodles? But it would also flow nicely with rich Camembert cheese or ham.
Tengumai山廃純米原酒 生酒 うすにごり純米山廃原酒生酒おりがらみ
Tengumai Check-in 1Tengumai Check-in 2
This sake was marketed as a special edition by a liquor store, with the intention of helping Ishikawa Prefecture recover from the earthquake disaster. Tengu Mai is a sake that I usually don't touch because I have the impression that it is too heavy. This one is a Yamahai sake, which means it is a darker version than the low-alcohol versions that are popular these days. When I tried it, it was easier to drink than I had imagined. It does have the robust backbone and alcohol content of Yamahai, but it is quite tasty in its own way. The sweetness is also somewhat present, but the acidity is kept in check, and the melon and banana flavors are mixed with the gusto of the alcohol and the richness of the Yamahai. The liquor store's recommendation is to drink it on the rocks. It is true that it is easier to drink with ice and a little water. This kind of strong sake is not likely to be defeated by strong-flavored dishes such as Chinese food or curry.
Wagauji火先 うすにごり生酒純米大吟醸生酒にごり酒
Wagauji Check-in 1Wagauji Check-in 2
こみや 小谷場店
I received a bottle of raw sake from Ago Ariki. It is a sake that is hard to find around here, and I happened to discover it when I was in Saitama. I have a rule that sake with fashionable labels is good sake, so I had high expectations for this sake. The label also said "mango and citrus," and when I drank it, I found it to be a refreshing sake. It has sweetness, but more than that, it has a minty and citrus-like freshness! It also feels fruity. This is a very good sake to know. It might go well with refreshing steamed vegetables.
宮寒梅純米大吟醸 45%純米大吟醸
宮寒梅 Check-in 1宮寒梅 Check-in 2
こみや 小谷場店
I happened to find Miyakanbai, which was hard to find in my neighborhood. At the liquor store, it was drummed up for its high quality and cosmetics. I was curious about this sake. As for the taste, it has a stable sweetness and sourness. This sourness is somehow strawberry-like. The feeling of not being too sweet goes well with meals. There is no bitterness, so it is easy for anyone to drink. Fresh cheese, for example, goes very well with it. It also goes well with steamed vegetables. This is a good sake that lives up to its reputation.
Kudokijozu澱がらみ 大吟醸大吟醸生詰酒おりがらみ
Kudokijozu Check-in 1Kudokijozu Check-in 2
I recognize it as the orikara portion of sake for the sake competition. The specs are quite impressive: Banshu Yamadanishiki is used, Fukuro-hari is used, and the rice is cut down to 35% for daiginjo. It seems to be a very limited edition. It is quite rich because it is an orikarami. It was a bit hard when just opened, but after a few days, its mild, fruity sweetness became more pronounced. Is it the sweetness of melon or banana without any tune? The weak acidity seems to be a sign of a good taste. Somehow, this sake makes me want to pair it with mellow and rich foods such as cream cheese. It is incredibly good.
ChiebijinLAPIN おりがらみ純米生純米生酒おりがらみ
Chiebijin Check-in 1Chiebijin Check-in 2
It is a slightly sparkling "orikarami" with the specifications of Chiebijin Junmai-shu, which won the "President's Award" at the "KURA MASTER" held in Paris, France. The reason for the rabbit is that it is a sake made by a rabbit lover. The label is also stylish. It is a slightly tangy, cloudy, thick sake. It is mildly sweet with a hint of apricot. It is fruity, but the acidity is not that strong and quite delicious. Camembert goes quite well with it. I think it goes well with meat as well. This is quite tasty.
springtime beauty spot
Tenkyu Check-in 1Tenkyu Check-in 2
We had Sakura-ame, a raw sake from Tenyumi. This sake was brewed by Shinri, the former toji of Tohoku Izumi. The other sakes in the Tenyumi series were also delicious, so we have high expectations for this one. The aroma was refreshingly fruity with a sourness, but when we drank it, we found it to be quite sticky and sweet. There is a slight sourness, and I think it has a kind of rich muscat flavor. It would be interesting to drink this type of sake with gratin or other white sauces. It has a strong umami flavor, so I feel it will not be defeated by the food.
Muso辛口純米吟醸生原酒 厳雪純米吟醸原酒生酒
Muso Check-in 1Muso Check-in 2
It is a Niigata sake, also known as modern dry sake or the new light dry sake. I usually drink mostly fruity sakes and have not been a big fan of sakes that are considered dry, but I was curious and bought this one. The label is modern. The label is modern, with simple silver letters and a faint blue circle. It is cool. This sake is a raw sake, so it has a slightly carbonated taste. It is definitely dry as it has no sweetness, but it is very fruity, perhaps because of the aroma or the acidity. Is it like melon or mango without the sweetness? I could see that modern dryness is not to be underestimated. I quite like this type. Mellow and salty types such as Camembert cheese seem to go quite well with it.
Kawanakajima Genbu特別純米 山田錦 無濾過原酒特別純米原酒無濾過
Kawanakajima Genbu Check-in 1Kawanakajima Genbu Check-in 2
This is an unfiltered, unfiltered, unfiltered sake from the famous sake Kawanakajima Genmai. Mariko Chino, the brewer of this sake, is the toji (master brewer) and has won various awards. The taste is characterized by a mild sweetness. It was difficult to determine what kind of sweetness it was, but I think it is best described as ripe melon, as other people have commented. It is similar to Fanta Melon with less carbonation. It is a hard liquor to find, but there is no doubt that it is delicious. I think it would go well with Camembert cheese.
Kamoshibitokuheijiうすにごり 黒田庄産 山田錦生酒にごり酒
Kamoshibitokuheiji Check-in 1Kamoshibitokuheiji Check-in 2
It is a draft sake from brewer Kuheiji, and the label also warns that it should be drunk as soon as possible and stored at 5 degrees Celsius or lower. That is how particular they are about quality, and they only ship sake that has been reserved. I believe this is a characteristic of light nigori sake, but it is very tasty with a rich mouthfeel, acidity, and sweetness. It can be considered somewhat fruity, but for me, yogurt-like sourness and banana-like sweetness is the best way to describe it. It also has a slight melon-like taste in the throat. I can only drink this drink once a year. I think it would also go well with rich cheese and okaki.
Senkin純米吟醸生原酒 立春春絞り特別純米原酒生酒
Senkin Check-in 1Senkin Check-in 2
Risshun Asa Shibori is a sake that is squeezed and delivered on the morning of February 4, and is considered an event sake by various sake breweries. It is said to be quite challenging for the brewers to have a fixed date for squeezing the sake. Sengoku's Risshun Shibori is a 14% alcohol type. Since I drank it a little after Risshun, the sake was a little mellow, but it was quite fresh and tasty. For me, it gave the impression of a white wine. It is light and easy to drink, and would go well with tomatoes and cheese.
Ippakusuisei Check-in 1Ippakusuisei Check-in 2
Fukuro-huri is a method of squeezing sake by hanging each sake bag individually, which means that although it is more labor intensive than the normal method of squeezing, it produces beautiful sake. The sake is made by hanging sake bags one by one, which is more time-consuming than the usual way of squeezing, but it also produces beautiful sake. Naturally, the sake has a good aroma, but it is a sake with a refreshing sourness and bitterness rather than sweetness. When tasted closely, grapefruit is the best fit. It is also a good food sake. It would go well with salty cheese.
Hououbiden荒押合併 純米大吟醸かすみ無濾過本生純米大吟醸生酒荒走り責め無濾過おりがらみ
Hououbiden Check-in 1Hououbiden Check-in 2
The specs are for a sake with a Hinpyo spec of 35% polished Yamadanishiki, but it is a mixture of arabashiri and blamed sake. It is a slightly cheaper and more appreciated bottle than the regular product, which means that the taste is more changeable. The sweetness, slight bitterness, and fruity nature of the drink is incredibly white wine-like. It has a nice aroma and is very tasty. Because it is wine-like, I think it is best served chilled with cheese, tomatoes, and the like. Salty pickles and other dishes may also go well with this wine.
玄亀 Check-in 1玄亀 Check-in 2
It was given to me and is a sake from Oita. It is a high quality sake with a very high rice polishing ratio of 35%. After opening the bottle, the aroma is quite classic. The taste is also classic with a delicious rice flavor, but it also has a melon-like sweetness. I myself prefer fruity sake such as nama-zake, but I do not dislike this type of sake either. I think it is better served at room temperature or hot than cold sake. It seems to go well with a variety of dishes. I think it would go well with oden and jibe-ni.
Hanamura純米吟醸生 美郷錦純米吟醸生酒
Hanamura Check-in 1Hanamura Check-in 2
This is a seasonal sake from Hanamup. I think the label used to be pink, but I think the red color has become stronger. It is a raw Misato Nishiki sake. As for the taste right after opening the bottle, it tastes quite sweet and somewhat alcohol-like. I find it somewhat brown sugar-like sweetness, which I believe is a characteristic of the individual Hanayuup. After a couple of days, the alcohol-like taste disappears and it is mildly sweet. The banana and apple pie taste is the same as the previous tastes. It is as delicious as ever. It is good even if you drink it by itself. I think it would be better to drink it on the rocks. I think it would go well with white sauce.
Jikon特別純米 おりがらみ 生特別純米生酒おりがらみ
Jikon Check-in 1Jikon Check-in 2
This is a very famous sake, Jikin. I happened to have a bottle of the ogara-mi sake on hand, so I had it. It has a nice aroma when you open the bottle. There is a lot of orikara in it, and the taste is sweet but has a clean aftertaste. It is slightly sour and fruity, but the taste I got was sweet and sour like a combination of melon and banana. However, others have said that it tastes like pineapple. I think it's a bit like a pineapple. It is a delicious drink, but it is also something that is hard to find, so I decided to enjoy it with relish.
Haneya純吟プリズム 究極しぼりたて純米吟醸生酒
Haneya Check-in 1Haneya Check-in 2
Haneya is a sake brewed in Toyama, and this is a freshly pressed, unpasteurized sake that came out at the end of the year, and was awarded the Gold Medal at the 2022 IWC International Wine Challenge, so it has quite an overnight stay attached to it. The catchphrase for this sake is "a rainbow of flavors", and it seems to be bottled immediately after being freshly pressed. It seems that the sake is bottled immediately after it is freshly squeezed. That said, it was not overly sweet, but rather relatively refreshing. I think it tasted a bit like melon. I think it would go well with just about anything, but I think it would be a good match with Camembert cheese, for some reason. I think it would go well with something light and salty.
Yoshidagura u石川門 生酒生酒
Yoshidagura u Check-in 1Yoshidagura u Check-in 2
This is Yoshida Kurau's raw sake, but I think it used to have a black label. Was there a renewal? With the catchphrase "Modern Yamahai", I expect it will feature a complex flavor. When I drank it, I found it to be a slightly carbonated, not too sweet and refreshing sake. It is fruity but not too acidic. It is sweet, so I think the closest it comes to a slightly banana with a sour taste. I think it is a liquor that falls into the category of being quite easy to drink. I think it would go well with white sauce or other dishes with a slightly strong flavor. It is a very high quality sake, and it is hard to believe that this is Yamahai. It is a new age Yamahai.
Sharaku純米吟醸 おりがらみ純米吟醸生酒おりがらみ
Sharaku Check-in 1Sharaku Check-in 2
This is a famous sake, Sharaku's Nama-shu Oragami. Maybe this is the only time in winter that they have a nama-shu? A delightful spec. It is a fairly vigorous sake, if not a shuwashu. If you keep it in the bottle for a while, the air inside will come out when you open the bottle. The flavor is silky from the orikara, plus a slightly lactic yogurt-y and melon-y feeling. It is delicious and not too sweet. The taste is very good, but it's not what you expect. It is a good match with Camembert cheese or something like that.