

Feb 6, 2021 2:22 PM
Masaaki Sapporo
  • Milan Hauser100% Yamada Nishiki, polishing rate 70%, SMV +2.5, acidity 1.8, amino acidity 1.7, alcohol 14.5% It's kimoto, it's Hyogo A area Yamada Nishiki, it's Miyamizu water, it's Tamba Toji technique. The aroma is weak. Rice and grain. Medium-bodied sake. There's a stronger acidity in the flavor at first, then a lot of savory rice flavor spreads in your mouth and short dusty finish. It's not spicy at all. I liked it warm more than at room temperature or cold. I didn't like it and will not buy it again.

Milan Hauser さんはさけのわを使っています。あなたもアプリを使って飲んだ日本酒を記録したり、好みの日本酒を見つけたりしてみませんか?